The Technology Migrations series

The Technology Migrations series

Migrations are a messy business. They always run far behind schedule, and it is actually quite rare for them to end at all. They are hard to justify in terms of return on investment. They have a bad reputation among both users and management. They are emotionally draining. Yet they are the way things move forward, technologically speaking at least.

Having been working for my entire career (so far) on internal teams focused on infrastructure or platforms, I end up thinking about migrations a lot. I have built my own little taxonomy of technology migrations, I have come up with my personal recipe to pull them off, and I have initiated engineers in the craft of running them. And those are the topics and the intent of this series of blog posts.

The first post goes over the taxonomy of migrations and how to approach them based on the category they belong to. But you can start from the second one if you are only interested in how to run the most common type. In case you have read the entire thing already or you don’t have time for long reads, you can find a summary checklist to follow during your migration in the very last post.

  1. A taxonomy of migrations
  2. Migrations under monopoly: Preparations
  3. Migrations under monopoly: Alpha
  4. Migrations under monopoly: Beta
  5. Migrations under monopoly: Automation
  6. Migrations under monopoly: Nudges
  7. Migrations under monopoly: The fat tail
  8. Migrations under monopoly: Deprecation
  9. The migration checklist
A taxonomy of migrations
Antonio Uccio Verardi

Antonio Uccio Verardi

from meta import engineering_manager

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