
At Yelp we use SignalFx to visualize and analyze real-time metrics plus monitoring many of our systems. We create hundreds of detectors, charts and dashboards. Managing and finding these resources quickly is a challenge. Engineering teams need to be able to discover the graphs and detectors they own, quickly create and update them and be informed about changes to them.

SignalForm is a Terraform provider to codify SignalFx detectors, charts and dashboards, thereby making it easier to create, manage and version control them. Combined with signalform-tools, a set of Python tools to make easier to search and test these artifacts, it is used daily by many engineers at Yelp.

You can read more about SignalForm in the blogpost that @kokje and me wrote a while back.

As usual, also this project has been a team effort of many engineers at Yelp, with a special mention to @dichiarafrancesco who did a very big chunk of the development.

Check it out on GitHub

Check it out on GitHub

Antonio Uccio Verardi

Antonio Uccio Verardi

from meta import engineering_manager

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