My two cents on how to maintain a backlog

A note

This is an adaptation of one my posts on my Yelp internal blog. Some suggestions (like the ones specific to JIRA) won’t apply to anyone, but the underlying concepts might still be relevant, so I decided to leave them.

Please note that with the word “backlog” I am referring to the backlog of tickets a team accumulates during the years of maintainance, not the backlog of tickets part of a scrum/agile project.

One “truth”

I do have opinions about how teams should handle their backlog, but, knowing me, you would be surprised by the fact that I have only one single strong opinion on the topic (and you can quote me on this one):

If you maintain something, you also maintain a backlog.

Antonio Uccio Verardi

Many Suggestions

The way you maintain your backlog depends on your team size, product maturity, your team goals, your user base, your company strategy, the weather forecast and many other factors I don’t even know of, hence I don’t have any advice for you that will surely fit your case. I do have some suggestions for things that I tried out and that didn’t spectacularly fail, though. For what it’s worth, here we go:

Backlog by default

Do not make an habit of discussing backlog prioritization

Set up expectations, do not command

For managers only

Antonio Uccio Verardi

Antonio Uccio Verardi

from meta import engineering_manager

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